Uniting Aged Care - Ningana Home
8 High Level Care places 63 Low Level Care places 1 High/Low Care respite bed . Accommodation is provided for couples (double rooms). Residents are permitted to bring whatever items they choose to furnish their room (within safety guidelines). Residents have access to a private phone or may have their own. . Residents can have their own doctor. Nursing is provided by the hostel - other services accessed on a needs basis. . An Activities Officer co-ordinates activities in the facility . Residents are encouraged to participate in, and contribute to, decisions which affect services, conditions, charges, their environment, resolution of disputes through a residents meeting independently chaired. . Special dietary needs are catered for. . Provisions are made to meet different cultural preference and requirements and books and tapes are available in ethnic languages. . There is a garden for residents to use; birds or fish are permitted.
1 The Circle
Suburb: SORELL
State: TAS
Postcode: 7172
(03) 6269 1000
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
TAS, Australia
Aged care facility with 44 "ageing in place" and 1 Respite place.
Visit supplier >TAS, Australia
Low level care with 31 low care beds and 2 low care respite beds. Community Aged Care Packages available. Contact Mr Peter Moore tel. (03) 6452 4580
Visit supplier >Riverside
Looking after Launceston and surrounding suburbs.
Specialising in cutting, colouring & perms
I have been a bit lost for 8 months. My family broke apart after my wife attacked me with scissors and destroyed all my belongings and cut up all my clothes. my wife then took my kids away (who were in my care) and threatened to take them to China. Blocked all contact I've not known where they were till last month and I've been left couch surfing and living off the good graces of a few friends.
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