Dunolly Senior Citizen's Centre
VIC, Australia
Social support and recreational activities for people aged 50 years and over. Indooor bowls, card games, social days, bingo, billiards and bus trips.
Visit supplier >VIC, Australia
Carer Links West provides information, support and assistance to Carers living in the Western Metropolitan Region of Melbourne.
Visit supplier >VIC, Australia
Services include Out of Home Care, Foster Care, Residential Care and Shared Family Care. Children�s Services, After School and Vacation Care, Centre Based Child Care, Family Day Care, Inclusion Support, In-Home Care, Kindergartens and Rural and Remote Child Care. Family Services, Gambler�s Help, Families and Schools Together , Counselling and Victims Assistance Program. Disability Services including Attendant Care, Community Living Support Program, Emergency After Hours Respite, Respite, Futures for Young Adults, Interchange, Parents Support Network and Support and Choice. Housing Services includes Emergency Supported Housing, Independent Living Units, Transitional and Long Term. Youth Services includes School Focused Service, Youth and Family Reconciliation and outreach services. Operates Fair-Dinkum Trading  buying and selling second hand goods on consignment. Offices are located in Stawell and Nhill with outreach services in Ararat and the Donald/Birchip areas.
Visit supplier >Commonwealth Carer Respite Centre - Gippsland
VIC, Australia
The aim of the CCRC - Gippsland is to contribute to the support and maintenance of caring relationships between carers & their dependent family members or friends by facilitating access to information, respite care and other support & those of the persons for whom they care. Priorities for the use of funding is to meet both emergency & planned respite needs.
Visit supplier >Commonwealth Carer Respite Centre - Gippsland
VIC, Australia
The aim of the CCRC Gippsland is to contribute to the support and maintenance of caring realtionships between carers and their dependant family members of friends by facilitating access to information, respite care and other support abd those of the person for whom they care. Priorities for the use of funding is to meet both emergency and planned respite needs.
Visit supplier >Commonwealth Carer Respite Centre - Gippsland
VIC, Australia
The aim of the CRCG is to contribute to the support and maintenance of caring relationships between carers and their dependant family members or friends by facilitating access to information, respite care and other support and those of the person for whom they care. Priorities for the use of funding is to meet both emergency and planned respite care needs.
Visit supplier >Commonwealth Carer Respite Centre - Gippsland
VIC, Australia
The aim of the CRCG is to contribute to the support and maintenance of caring relationships between carers and their dependant family members or friends by facilitating access to information, respite care and other support and those of the person for whom they care. Priorities for the use of funding is to meet both emergency and planned respite needs.
Visit supplier >VIC, Australia
Additional email address [email protected] Bendigo Health Care Group, Child & Adolescent unit's Homecare program, in consultation with the Royal Childrens Hospital and local paediatricians can provide support and respite for families of children aged 0 - 18 years of age with complex medical needs in the home and community. Also training for schools/teachers/aides/carers for individual child's medical needs.
Visit supplier >Windemere Child and Family Services
VIC, Australia
Services include: Counselling, Disability Services, Family Day Care, Family Support, Housing Support, In-Home Childcare, Kids Becoming Champions and Victims Assistance Program. LGA: Casey; Cardinia; Dandenong.
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